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The Font,

dimensions: 125x30 cm

material: plaster, soil, scrim


This sculpture, made out of natural materials; soil, clay, stones, plaster, scrim and water, is or wants to be regarded as a baptismal font.


Contrary to the fonts found in churches, used to baptize the children, this font was used only once and created for a unique human-soul-personality.

Its age is unknown but seems to go way back in time, close to the prehistoric times when human gave life to objects and took energy from them.

Those two elements – object and human- have a constant dialogue and interaction with each other, regardless distance(space) or time (time=space).

The Font follows the path of the person baptized in it.


Its shape, despite the years, is not yet totally formed/finalized, but has roughly been morphed by the out-weight of the soul in its final state; death.

 Just like humans, who need to search deep into their selves to reach fulfillment, truth, peace, happiness, the Font will find its final shape when the entity baptized into it reaches its goal/destination, its center.

This Font, inspired by the Saint Pancras Church in Euston, is a site specific work, which was exhibited in the group exhibition “One that holds Everything”, situated in the St.Pancras crypt.


The Crypt, being a memorial and burial place, is ultimately connected with the idea of life and death.

The font

Water is not directly contained in The Font, but is hidden beneath the foundations of the site; a river was passing through in the old times, now humidity and moist still betray its existence, as well as in the remaining soil and clay trapped inside its rough surface.


Materials like soil and clay are intentionally used to reinforce the idea of life cycle.

This soil was self-dug from the London suburban area until its composition changed and turned into clay.


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